10 Reviews

Mario truant Australia, VIC


I own my own car repair business and I’ve been using this product since 1987 and found it very effective in keeping the valves and pistons very clean .

Liz Sheridan Australia, WA

Awesome fuel savings!

I've had this car for almost a year ( it's a 2nd hand Commodore wagon) and have been using the MBL8 from the start to protect the engine, but for some reason, kept forgetting to put the PT5 petrol treatment in the back of the car to use when I fill up. 3 weeks ago, I finally began using it, I fill up every week.. At my last fill up, I noticed the the km range estimate gauge has now risen to 840 klms per tank .. it had never risen above 670 before! .. Awesome fuel savings!

James Australia, QLD

Recommend the pt5

used the pt5 in my BA falcon done a test on it before i put it in i was getting around 12. 5 liters per Hundred kms when i put the pt5 in it seemed to not do anything at first but after 1 bottle i started to notice a increase in power after double dosing it for the first bottle then the second aswell when i bought the 3rd bottle before i put it in and my fuel filter block so i changed it then put the pt5 in and i was getting 10 liters per hundred and then it dropped down to 9. 4 so i would definatly Recommend the pt5

David James Australia, VIC

Pro Ma PT5

I Have Used This in my Ford Laser for 24 yrs. This vehicle has fuel injection & I have never had to clean the fuel injectors in that time. With regular Oil changes with Mobil 1 and Pro Ma PT5 I have only replaced spark plugs at every 100,000 Km and the motor has never been worked on and this vehicle has done over 440,000Km. and still going strong. My average Fuel consumption has remained the same in all that time which has been 6. 7 litres per 100 Km. I also have done this on my Mazda Metro & it too has done over 260,000 Km. Now I use the diesel fuel additive in my newest Mazda 3 Diesel car. which gives me an average of 5. 3 litres per 100 Km which is very close to the government testing figures.

Annamaria Wan Australia, WA

Pro-Ma PT5

We been using Pro-Ma PT5 for more than 25 years and never any problem with fuel injection or ignition in all our cars. With the latest ownership of a VW Golf MK7 GTI. It provide a very clean combustion and had positive effect on making the turbo spin freely and trouble free motoring on a highly stressed engine.

Anita Australia, VIC


I have been using this product for 32 years now and would not be without it. Every car I have owned has run smoothly and economically with PT5. I have reduced downtime as I only need my routine services and I also get increased fuel economy. All my mechanics have been amazed at how well my cars have run.

Mark Australia, SA


Have used PT5 for over 15yrs in all our family vehicles. Great reduction of maintenance and improved economy.


DT5 for motorcyles and lawnmowers

I run this in my motorcycles and lawnmowers and have never had a fuel related issue in 13 years. An absolute must if you are using ethanol blended fuel particularly in motorcycles or small engines of any sort! ( My four wheeled vehicles are all diesels!) I use DT5 for them religiously.

Susan Australia, QLD

Pro-ma products

Christmas 2011 I filled my VT Commodoor fully 60 liter tank using V Power shell when I got to Rockhamton car read I only had 36 Km of fuel left in my tank, Christmas 2012 I had my car seviced and had oil and fuel treatment added to my car I again filled my car with 6 letres of V Power Shell fuel and drove to Rockhampton to visit my daughter for christmas and when I got there I had a quarter of a tank of fuel in my petrol tank it was amazing so on a return to Park Ridge Brisbane I would be saving a half a tank of fuel because it has started to clean all my fuel system and make my car run more ecanomicly and is going to save me money in the long run I will keep using Pro-ma products from now on.

Bob Australia, QLD

One of my favourite performance products

One of my favourite performance products. The difference in economy and performance is incredible. I believe that this is a product that simply pays for it's self many times over. Highly recommended.